Pro Se Scholars Program

This program encourages and awards our youth of color for making positive strides in their educational journey.  Whenever a milestone or accomplishment is met in the areas of attendance, grades, and/or behavior, the youth will be presented with the opportunity to pick a reward.

Alternative Path Program

This program caters to youth who have been impacted by the justice system and are needing to complete diversion and/or probation requirements, or a stipulation for part of sentencing.

1.) Mentorship: They will be assigned a culturally responsive mentor who will provide the young person consistent support in school, community, and at home.

2.) Therapy Incentive: They will be incentivized with stipends to participate in therapy and develop their mental health.

3.) Resource Navigation: They will gain access to connections who help source and navigate extra support systems that are needed for the young and/or their families to thrive.

4.) Social and Emotional Learning: They will participate and learn curriculum based on decision making skills, life skills, and healthy self-advocacy.

Mental Investment Program

This program caters to at risk youth. Often times the actions of young people stem from what is going on within them. When there is no positive outlet or they have not been given the proper tools to communicate, the outcome can be detrimental. In this program, youth will be incentivized by stipend to seek counsel and participate in therapy. This fosters a want for assistance and healthy mental health development.